Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Analysis to my wedding magazine cover

1. How old are you? 

5-10 = 0
11-15 = 1
16-20 = 4
21-25 = 0
26+ = 1

2. Male or Female?

Male = 1
Female = 5

3. What do you like and dislike about this magazine cover?

Like = Most people said that they liked the pictures, the colours, it had much detail, it was neat, looked interesting, the layout and the placing of the pictures.

Dislike = Some people said that they didn't like any of it, the fonts and that the competition logo spoiled the magazine.

4. If you saw this magazine in a shop, would you buy it? And Why?

Yes = No one said yes.

No = Everyone said yes because they weren't interested in weddings or that it looked boring.

5. Is there anything that you would add to this magazine cover?

Nothing = 5

Yes = One person said that i would need to make it more eye catching. 

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