Thursday, 18 November 2010

Monday, 15 November 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010

What permissions are needed to use a celebrity photograph?

If you go onto a website or google then every picture would be copyrighted. You would need to ask the photographers permission to use it. But it is different if the picture has 'creative commons' underneath it. This means that you can use the picture for anything that you wish, that's why the pictures on flikr are used.
If a company use a picture of a model or a celebrity then they company would have to pay the model or agent permission to use the picture. This would mean that the company would have to pay they model and the agent money to use it. Such as, if they use a child to advertise 'to stop the bullying of children' then they would have to pay the child or child's parents for the use of the photo.
If a company was going to use a celebrity to make a commercial advert then they would have to ask the permission of the celebrity, because they may not want to be involved in commercials.

Monday, 8 November 2010